Randomized controlled trial comparing conventional and traction endoscopic submucosal dissection for early colon tumor (CONNECT-C trial)

Ryoji Ichijima, Hisatomo Ikehara, Yorinobu Sumida, Taisuke Inada, Daiki Nemoto, Yuki Nakajima, Takeyoshi Minagawa, Tetsuya Sumiyoshi, Kazuya Inoki, Naohisa Yoshida, Ken Inoue, Masakatsu Fukuzawa, Yosuke Minoda, Koshiro Tsutsumi, Mitsuru Esaki, Takuji Gotoda

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿記事査読

13 被引用数 (Scopus)


Objectives: Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is a widely used treatment for early gastrointestinal cancer. However, colon ESD remains challenging. Previous studies on colon ESD using the traction method used a small sample, single-center design, providing insufficient evidence of this procedure's efficacy. We thus aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of the traction method in colon ESD in this multicenter randomized trial. Methods: We conducted a prospective, multicenter, randomized, two-arm controlled trial at 10 facilities in Japan. A 1:1 allocation was conducted for the conventional ESD (C-ESD) and traction ESD (T-ESD) groups. The primary end-point was ESD procedure time. Results: We included 128 C-ESD and 123 T-ESD cases from April 2020 to August 2021. The median procedure times for C-ESD and T-ESD were 61 (40–100) and 53 (40–76) min (P = 0.18), respectively, and no significant differences were observed between the groups. Subgroup analysis showed that the median procedure times for patients with a lesion diameter of ≥30 mm in the C-ESD and T-ESD groups were 89 (57−80) and 69 (50−104) min (P = 0.05), respectively, and for nonexpert operators were 81 (62−120) and 64 (52−109) min (P = 0.07), respectively. Conclusions: The traction method did not contribute to a significantly shortened ESD procedure time. However, this method may be useful when the tumor diameter is large or if the procedure is conducted by nonexpert endoscopists.

ジャーナルDigestive Endoscopy
出版ステータス出版済み - 1月 2023


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