Influence of metal artifacts on in vivo micro-CT for orthodontic mini-implants.

Ken ichiro Ejima, Saori Omasa, Mitsuru Motoyoshi, Yoshinori Arai, Yukiko Kai, Toshihiko Amemiya, Hisaya Yamada, Kazuya Honda, Noriyoshi Shimizu

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿記事査読

8 被引用数 (Scopus)


This study aimed to show the effects of metal artifacts on the in vivo micro-CT of mini-implants by measuring bone volume. We drilled a hole in the cortical bone of a rat tibia and embedded a titanium orthodontic mini-implant (diameter, 1.5 mm) in the hole. Twelve individually weighed hydroxyapatite grains (HA grains) were placed around the implant either by one dentist (method 1) or separately by 12 dentists (method 2). In vivo micro-CT was used to scan the model after placement of each grain to measure increases and decreases in bone volume voxel number. The subtracted bone voxel volume increased with HA weight in both methods. Simple linear regression analysis showed a significant correlation between weight and volume in both methods (method 1: regression coefficient: 516.502, P < 0.05; method 2: regression coefficient: 4837.432, P < 0.05). Metal artifacts did not appear to influence measurements of bone volume, although further studies are required to determine the effect of thicker implants.

ジャーナルJournal of Oral Science
出版ステータス出版済み - 3月 2012


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