Effects of particle size of silica filler on polymerization conversion in a light-curing resin composite

Kou Fujita, Takuji Ikemi, Norihiro Nishiyama

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿記事査読

78 被引用数 (Scopus)


Objectives: The effect of visible light passing through a resin composite with different particle sizes of spherical silica filler on the curing depth and Knoop hardness of the resin composite was examined. The null hypotheses tested were that the particle size of silica filler has no effect on (1) the transmitted amount of visible light passing through the resin composite, (2) the curing depth of the resin composite, and (3) the ratio of the Knoop hardness of the hardened resin composite. Methods: A series of different experimental resin composite pastes with different particle sizes of silica filler were prepared. The amount of visible light passing through each of the experimental resin pastes during the hardening process was determined. The curing depth and Knoop hardness of the resin composites were measured. Further, to characterize the polymerization conversion, the ratio of the Knoop hardness of the bottom surface against the irradiated surface of the hardened resin composites was determined. Results: Increases in the particle size of the silica filler resulted in decreases in the transmitted amount of visible light, curing depth, and ratio of the Knoop hardness of the resin composite. The rate of polymerization conversion of the resin composite occurring deep within the cavity was found to be less than the rate of polymerization conversion occurring at the upper surface. Significance: To increase the rate of polymerization conversion deep within the resin composite, it is important to reduce the particle size of the silica filler.

ジャーナルDental Materials
出版ステータス出版済み - 11月 2011


「Effects of particle size of silica filler on polymerization conversion in a light-curing resin composite」の研究トピックを掘り下げます。これらがまとまってユニークなフィンガープリントを構成します。
