Coordinated features in jaw and neck muscle activities induced by chewing of soft and hard gum in healthy subjects

Tomohiro Ishii, Noriyuki Narita, Hiroshi Endo, Masanobu Wakami, Masakazu Okubo, Takeshi Uchida, Ikuo Kantake, Koh Shibutani

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿記事査読

3 被引用数 (Scopus)


Backgrounds: Jaw and neck muscles may be activated by chewing load using a hard food. However, it remains unclear how effects the gum hardness to the coordinated features in jaw and neck muscle activities during chewing performance. Objectives: This study was conducted to quantitatively elucidate the effects of the hardness of the gum on coordinated features in jaw and neck muscle activities using intermuscular EMG–EMG transfer function and EMG–EMG coherence function analyses in 18 healthy subjects. Methods: Jaw and neck muscle activities were aggregated into the first peak frequency of the power spectrum, and power, gain, phase, and coherence parameters between jaw and neck muscle activities were examined in the first peak frequencies during soft and hard gum chewing. Results: The first peak frequency was not significantly different between soft and hard gum chewing. In contrast, power values of the jaw and neck muscles were significantly increased by chewing of hard gum as compared with soft gum, whereas gain, phase, and coherence were not significantly changed by gum hardness. Conclusions: The chewing rhythm, the quantitative and temporal coordination, and the functional coordination in jaw and neck muscle activities were not changed during soft and hard gum chewing, as well as increased jaw and neck muscles activities. It is therefore concluded that the chewing rhythmicity and jaw and neck muscles coordination accompanied with the increased jaw and neck muscle activities are maintained under the condition of the chewing load using gum hardness in the healthy individuals.

ジャーナルClinical and Experimental Dental Research
出版ステータス出版済み - 10月 2021


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