Assessment on Bond Strength of CFRP Sheet Bonded to Concrete Focused on Sheet Stiffness

Mitsuhiko Ozaki, Yasuhiko Sato, Eiji Yoshida, Aya Takeuchi, Yuta Yamada, Fumiaki Nagashima

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿記事査読


In previous studies on the bond behaviors of FRP sheets attached to concrete, specimens for bond tests that contained FRP sheets with relatively low stiffnesses were used. However, in actual strengthening design, high stiffnesses of FRP sheets are required because the scale of the structure is very large. Therefore, in this study, bond tests were conducted using specimens with many different sheet stiffnesses and with polyurea resin. As a result, the bond strength increased as the stiffness increased with multiple CFRP sheets. Nevertheless, existing bond strength models overestimated the bond strength when the stiffness exceeded 200 kN/mm. In addition, 3D scanning measurements of patterned and indented concrete thin layers behind CFRP sheets revealed that the interfacial fracture energy was strongly related to the surface area of the concrete thin layer, not to the CFRP sheet stiffness or the resin properties.

ジャーナルJournal of Advanced Concrete Technology
出版ステータス出版済み - 2024


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