A case of repeated stent fracture

Shohei Migita, Nobuhiro Murata, Kurara Takahashi, Yuki Nakajima, Saki Mizobuchi, Masatsugu Miyagawa, Yudai Tanaka, Katsunori Fukumoto, Riku Arai, Tomoyuki Morikawa, Takashi Mineki, Keisuke Kojima, Mitsumasa Sudo, Daisuke Fukamachi, Yasuo Okumura

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿記事査読


Stent fracture is one of the complications of drug-eluting stent implantation. An 84-year-old man underwent coronary angiography for unstable angina. He had diffuse severe stenosis and calcified plaque in the left anterior descending artery and underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the left anterior descending artery for severe stenosis with chest pain. Thereafter, two subsequent stent fractures occurred, so the patient underwent another PCI to cover them. However, a stent fracture was found again one year later. The patient was asymptomatic and PCI was avoided due to the risk of further stent fracture. When a stent fracture occurs, it is important to provide appropriate treatment according to the anatomical findings of the vessel, symptoms and the presence of ischemia.

ジャーナルOxford Medical Case Reports
出版ステータス出版済み - 1 7月 2024


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