
研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿記事査読

1 被引用数 (Scopus)


In this study, we conducted a survey and interviews of young athletes to clarify the actual conditions of medication use and nutritional management (supplement use, etc.) with the aim of enhancing their health support. In addition, a second questionnaire was conducted for pharmacists working at medical institutions to clarify the actual situation of anti-doping (AD) activities by pharmacists, and examined the issues they face to support the health of athletes in the future. The results of the athletes' surveys revealed that the roles of pharmacists in AD activities was not recognized by athletes. In particular, the dissemination of AD education by pharmacists is considered to be critical. In future AD education, it will be necessary not only to provide knowledge of prohibited drugs, but also to provide self-medication support tailored to the individual needs of athletes, such as knowledge of nutrition and health. The results of the pharmacist survey revealed that athletes are treated by pharmacists on a daily basis, but for pharmacists, there are diFFIculties regarding how to provide information on AD, and it is necessary to enhance AD education at schools of pharmacy as well as in lifelong education seminars. Considering the pharmacists' AD activities as part of health support for athletes, it is considered more eŠective to collaborate with other health professionals such as sports doctors or nutritionists because it requires a wide range of knowledge such as nutrition.

寄稿の翻訳タイトルAnti-doping Activities and Comprehensive Health Support for Young Athletes
ジャーナルYakugaku Zasshi
出版ステータス出版済み - 2022


  • Anti-doping
  • Athlete
  • Medication support
  • Pharmacist


