Observation of self-organized FRC formation in a collisional-merging experiment

Tomohiko Asai, Daichi Kobayashi, Taichi Seki, Yasuaki Tamura, Tatsuhiro Watanabe, Naoto Sahara, Tsutomu Takahashi, Jordan Morelli, Hiroshi Gota, Thomas Roche, Richard Magee, Michl Binderbauer, Toshiki Tajima, Michiaki Inomoto, Toshiki Takahashi

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19 Citations (Scopus)


Self-organized field-reversed configuration (FRC)-like formation was observed after the super-sonic/Alfvénic collisional merging of two FRCs in the FAT-CM device at Nihon University. In this experiment, two FRCs were generated initially in two separate field-reversed theta-pinch type formation regions. Those two formation regions are coaxially connected to opposite ends of a cylindrical confinement chamber. The formed FRCs are oppositely-translated and collide in the middle of the confinement chamber at super-sonic/Alfvénic velocity. During the collision, the merged plasmoid experiences destructive disturbance and loses its fast toroidal flow and characteristic FRC property of having a field-reversed magnetic configuration to become a magnetized plasma without ordered structure. After this dynamic collision, a magnetic configuration of FRC with fast toroidal rotation is self-organized within a few tens of microseconds. This observation indicates robustness of the extremely high-beta, simple magnetic configuration.

Original languageEnglish
Article number096032
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021


  • collisional merging
  • field-reversed configuration
  • self-organization


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