Differential regulation of medium spiny and cholinergic neurons in the nucleus accumbens core by the insular and medial prefrontal cortices in the rat

Kensuke Hirose, Yuka Nakaya, Kohei Kitano, Yasuhiko Saito, Ryosuke Kaneko, Yuchio Yanagawa, Kiyofumi Yamamoto, Tetsuo Shirakawa, Masayuki Kobayashi

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3 Citations (Scopus)


The nucleus accumbens (NAc) receives cortical projections principally from the insular cortex (IC) and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Among NAc neurons, cholinergic interneurons (ChNs) regulate the activities of medium spiny neurons (MSNs), which make up ~ 95% of NAc neurons, by modulating their firing and synaptic properties. However, little is known about the synaptic mechanisms, including their cell-type-dependent corticoaccumbal projection properties and cholinergic effects on the NAc core. Here, we performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from NAc MSNs and ChNs in acute brain slice preparations obtained from rats that received an AAV5-hSyn-ChR2(H134R)-mCherry injection into the IC or mPFC. Light stimulation of IC or mPFC axons induced comparable phase-locked excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) in MSNs. On the other hand, ChNs showed consistent EPSCs evoked by light stimulation of mPFC axons, whereas light stimulation of IC axons evoked much smaller EPSCs, which often showed failure in ChNs. Light-evoked EPSCs were abolished by tetrodotoxin and were recovered by 4-aminopyridine, suggesting that corticoaccumbal projections monosynaptically induce EPSCs in MSNs and ChNs. Carbachol effectively suppressed the amplitude of EPSCs in MSNs and ChNs evoked by light stimulation of IC or mPFC axons and in ChNs evoked by stimulating mPFC axons. The carbachol-induced suppression was recovered by atropine or pirenzepine, while preapplication of gallamine, J104129, PD102807, or AF-DX384 did not block the carbachol-induced EPSC suppression. These results suggest that NAc MSNs and ChNs are differentially regulated by excitatory projections from the IC and mPFC and that these corticoaccumbal excitatory inputs are modulated by M1 receptor activation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1911-1924
Number of pages14
JournalPflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2021


  • Acetylcholine
  • Glutamate
  • Muscarinic receptor
  • Optogenetics
  • Synapse


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